Professional Copywriter based in Italy

Description in English

Professional Copywriter based in Italy:
As a professional copywriter, I can help your company communicate effectively with your clients by creating captivating and persuasive copy for advertising campaigns, websites, email marketing and social media. I have a solid understanding of sales writing techniques and an excellent ability to adapt to any tone of voice and style requested by the client. Trust me to make your texts unique and memorable for your customers.

Description in Original Language

Copywriter Professionista:
Come copywriter professionista, posso aiutare la tua azienda a comunicare efficacemente con i tuoi clienti attraverso la creazione di testi accattivanti e persuasivi per campagne pubblicitarie, siti web, email marketing e social media. Ho una solida comprensione delle tecniche di scrittura per la vendita e un'ottima capacità di adattarmi a qualsiasi tono di voce e stile richiesto dal cliente. Affidati a me per rendere i tuoi testi unici e memorabili per i tuoi clienti.

How to request this freelancer service per day on our platform

1 - Select the desired dates for this freelancer using the date field.
2 - Click on "Hire this freelancer" to send your request using our integrated payment platform. We've got a secured payment platform that performs payment to the freelancer only when the service is indicated as delivered by the hiring company.
3 - The freelancer will receive your request to accept the proposed dates for the requested freelancer services.

Country: Italy