Freelancer Copywriter based in Brazil / Copywriter Freelancer

Description in English

Freelancer Copywriter based in Brazil:
I specialize in creating campaigns and advertising texts for Facebook Ads and Google Ads. With this, I can help companies achieve their marketing goals and generate more leads and conversions. It's important to have a good understanding of the target audience, do keyword research, use the right targeting, and write persuasive copy with a strong call-to-action.

Description in Original Language

Copywriter Freelancer baseado no Brasil:
Eu sou especializado em criar campanhas e textos publicitários para anúncios no Facebook Ads e Google Ads. Com isso, posso ajudar empresas a alcançar seus objetivos de marketing e gerar mais leads e conversões. É importante ter um bom entendimento do público-alvo, fazer uma pesquisa de palavras-chave, usar a segmentação correta e escrever textos persuasivos com call-to-action forte.