Marketing Expert Freelance with 20 years of experience

Description in French

Marketing Expert - Freelance - 20 ans d'experience - basée en France

(English below)

Je m'appelle Laure et je suis originaire de Paris (France).
Après 20 ans en tant que responsable marketing et communication en entreprise, je suis consultante indépendante depuis un an.
J'accompagne les entreprises dans la mise en place de leur stratégie marketing globale ou sur des projets spécifiques.

Domaines de compétences :
- Analyse et audit : étude de marché, évaluation de la performance.
- Stratégie globale de marketing et de communication : ciblage, positionnement, promotion, image de marque, ligne éditoriale.
- Production de contenu : flyers, catalogues, présentations, livres blancs, cartes de vœux, invitations à des événements. En français et/ou en anglais.
- Relations presse, partenariats et influenceurs: identification des contacts clés et production de dossiers de presse, communiqués de presse, etc.
- Marketing digital: création ou optimisation de sites web, marketing automation, campagnes d'emailing, SEO, community management, événements en ligne...
- Evénements : événements 100% personnalisés en présentiel ou à distance : convention des ventes, conférence de presse, projection cinéma, team-building, salon professionnel, webinaire. Planification, budget, coordination des prestataires et création de contenus spécifiques.

Compétences techniques:
- A l'aise sur PC et MAC, Microsoft Office Suite, Google Suite
- Design:** Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Canva
- Sites web:** Wordpress, Wix, Zyro, Prestashop, Eventbrite, Dreamwaver, code html,
- E-mails:** Sarbacane, Dotmailer, Mailchimp, Mailjet, Brevo
- Montage vidéo:** iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, Power Director, Pinnacle, en cours d'apprentissage d'Adobe Premiere Pro
- Réseaux sociaux:** Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, Linkedin

Toujours curieuse et avide de nouvelles connaissances, je me forme actuellement à l'intelligence artificielle, à la fois pour maîtriser les outils et pour identifier les nouvelles perspectives que l'IA peut ouvrir dans le domaine du marketing et de la communication.

Description in English

Marketing Expert - Freelance - 20 years of experience based in France

I am Laure from Paris (France).
After 20 years as a Marketing and Communications Manager in a company, I've been a freelance consultant for the past year.
I support companies in the implementation of their global marketing strategy or on specific projects.

- Analysis and audit: market study, performance assessment.
- Global Marketing & Communication Strategy: targeting, positioning, promotion, brand image, editorial line.
- Content production: flyers, catalogs, presentations, white papers, greeting cards, event invitations. In French and/or English.
- Press relations, partnerships and influencers: identification of key contacts and production of press kits, press releases, etc.
- Digital marketing: website creation or optimization, marketing automation, emailing campaigns, SEO, community management, online events...
- Events: 100% customized face-to-face or remote events: sales convention, conference, cinema screening, team-building, trade show, webinar. Planning, budget, coordination of the service providers and creation of specific content.

Technical skills:
- Comfortable in both PC and MAC, Microsoft Office Suite, Google Suite
- Design: Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Canva
- Websites: Wordpress, Wix, Zyro, Prestashop, Eventbrite, Dreamwaver, html code,
- Emailings: Sarbacane, Dotmailer, Mailchimp, Mailjet, Brevo
- Video editing: iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, Power Director, Pinnacle, currently learning Adobe Premiere Pro
- Social media: Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, Linkedin

Always willing to extend my knowledge, I'm currently training in artificial intelligence, both to master the tools and to identify all the new perspectives that AI can open up in Marketing and Communication.

How to request this freelancer service per day with our secured platform

1 - Select the quantity of working days that you want to purchase from this service provider.
2 - Click on "Hire this freelancer" to send your request using our integrated payment platform. We've got a secured payment platform that performs payment to the freelancer only when the service is indicated as delivered by the hiring company.
3 - The freelancer will receive your request to accept the proposed quantity of working days for the requested freelancer services.

Country: France