Full Stack React/Node.js Developer based in France

Description in English

Full Stack React/Node.js Developer based in France:
I'm Jimy, a full stack developer specializing in the React and Node.js ecosystem.

I have a preference for front end projects, but I master Node.js, Express, MongoDB and PostgreSQL in back end.

Here is a fairly exhaustive list of technologies that I master:


HTML, CSS/Sass, TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Next.js, Astro, Tailwind, Bootstrap, MaterialUI, Redux, Zustand, Vue 3, Svelte


Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Firebase, Supabase, Socket.io, Amplication, Python, Flask, Django


Git, Vite, Webpack, Vitest, Jest, VS Code, Jetbrains IDEs, Docker, Vercel, Jira, Agile Methodology

Description in French

Développeur full stack React/Node.js basé en France :
Je suis Jimy, un développeur full stack spécialisé sur l'écosystème React et Node.js.

J'ai une préférence pour les projets front end, mais je maîtrise Node.js, Express, MongoDB et PostgreSQL en back end.

Voilà une liste assez exhaustive des technologies que je maîtrise :


HTML, CSS/Sass, TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Next.js, Astro, Tailwind, Bootstrap, MaterialUI, Redux, Zustand, Vue 3, Svelte


Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Firebase, Supabase, Socket.io, Amplication, Python, Flask, Django


Git, Vite, Webpack, Vitest, Jest, VS Code, Jetbrains IDEs, Docker, Vercel, Jira, Méthodologie Agile

How to request this freelancer service per day with our secured platform

1 - Select the quantity of working days that you want to purchase from this service provider.
2 - Click on "Hire this freelancer" to send your request using our integrated payment platform. We've got a secured payment platform that performs payment to the freelancer only when the service is indicated as delivered by the hiring company.
3 - The freelancer will receive your request to accept the proposed quantity of working days for the requested freelancer services.

Pays: France