Emotional Design Professional based in Portugal

Description in English

Emotional Design Professional based in Portugal:
His passion has always been painting, but destiny wanted him to be a designer. With training at IADE in Visual Design, I had the opportunity to live in Barcelona for a year under the Erasmus program.

During that period I came into contact with a more urban culture and with a more disruptive approach to design. I ended up finding a more emotional aspect in my work, and in this way exploring more layers and scenarios during the process of my projects.

After 15 years in an agency, I decided to create my individual project, to resume my process as an emotional designer. BenjaminFlower is the name of my space, of the tools I bring with me. It is also the combination of the names of my children, Benjamin and Flor.

Description in Original Language

A paixão sempre foi a pintura, mas quis o destino que fosse designer. Com formação no IADE em Design Visual, tive a oportunidade de viver um ano em Barcelona ao abrigo do programa Erasmus.

Durante esse período tive contacto com uma cultura mais urbana e com uma abordagem em termos de design mais disruptiva.

Acabei por encontrar uma vertente mais emocional no meu trabalho, e desta forma explorar mais camadas e cenários durante o processo dos meus projectos.

Depois de 15 anos em agência, decidi criar o meu projecto individual, para retomar o meu processo de designer emocional.

BenjaminFlower é o nome deste meu espaço, das ferramentas que trago comigo. É também a junção do nome dos meus filhos, o Benjamim e a Flor.

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2 - Click on "Hire this freelancer" to send your request using our integrated payment platform. We've got a secured payment platform that performs payment to the freelancer only when the service is indicated as delivered by the hiring company.
3 - The freelancer will receive your request to accept the proposed quantity of working days for the requested freelancer services.

Country: Portugal